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Happy 2014!

  Happy New Year from the Northwoods. I’ve looked at thousands of photos over the past few days trying to decide which to use for this post. Because we are Laurel Mt. Llewellin Setters, of course you’d think I would use a photo of the dogs or Ruffed Grouse, or hunting. …

Some Holiday Fun

 Got out for a short and sweet Grouse hunt with one of my sons… Who is technically Count’s owner. My son wanted Count for his 18th birthday. I’m the most blessed Mum on the Earth. Seriously. I have the most wonderful 5 kids in the world. There he is… just …

Pardon the Delay…

Well, there are some out there waiting to start picking their Santana x Count puppies… it was supposed to start this evening …


Photo of the Day

Day 2 of the pups having their “mash.” They love it! This is the male pup, Borie (Boreas). See more photos over …


Santana x Count Puppies: The Birth

Nick took photos during the birth of the litter. Thought I would share them. Don’t worry—nothing gross or anything… except for me …

Contest: Santana’s Litter

Guess when Santana will whelp and how many puppies of each sex—win a Ruffed Grouse Society Sponsor Print (Winner’s Choice $100 value). Submit your guess in the comments area below this post or to the Facebook post by midnight, Monday, November 4, 2013. Good luck!



Hello all! It has been a crazy few weeks here working dogs in the glorious UP weather and lots of fun with …


Happy Birthday America

 Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness… As we celebrate our nation’s independence with friends and family, fireworks and food, or simply …


Just a Quick Update

Before life explodes with puppies running amuck (I love that word—amuck— and am reminded of the movie, Hocus Pocus, where Sarah Jessica …


A Life is New

With the birth of every Llewellin Setter puppy here, I am reminded of the opening paragraphs of a chapter titled “A Life …