Waiting for Santana’s Puppies
My mission is to help you have a healthier dog and breeders to raise healthier Llewellin Setters puppies through educational content based on over twenty years raising, training, and breeding Llewellin Setters. To help support these efforts, this page may contain affiliate links. I may earn a small commission for qualifying purchases at no cost to you.
As Santana gets closer to delivering her puppies, the nights are sleepless for everyone. She needs to go outside about every 2–3 hours. She wakes me by laying right on top of me, pawing at me, and licking my face. So, up I get and out she goes. Most of the time she comes right back in, then goes through her routine of digging up the blankets and making herself a nest to try to be comfortable in for a few minutes… then she jumps down off the bed and plops on the cooler, less comfortable floor… Or she won’t come right back in and I don’t want to call too loudly for her to wake up all the other dogs (and then any other people, although my closest neighbor is something like 1/2 mile away 🙂 ), so I get my boots and coat and headlamp and go out looking for her and hope I don’t find her delivering a puppy in the barn. I find her hunting night critters—I guess—and back inside we go. At least until she needs to go out again in a few hours.
Enjoy some silly photos…

I guess she’s not going to move over and let me get in bed…
until I decide I’ll just sleep on the sofa…
then, she’ll come out and try to lay on top of me on the sofa!

So, I’ll just take some pictures of her trying to sleep…

I’ve always wanted a picture of your nose, Santana.

And of her wee curly top knot…

Santana, are you trying to sleep?
I would really, really, really, like to get some sleep too…
and you are hogging the whole bed…
Please move over….

Okay, I’ll go out to the sofa. You need your rest baby.

Poor girl 🙁
Stay tuned!
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