Yuck Season

Hello all. Long time no talk to and there is so much I have wanted to share and have missed. There just …


Let Us Out!

    Seven of the Wildcats (or 7+ a nose). Santana’s babies are quickly outgrowing the whelping box. They spend more time out …


Delays, Delays, Delays

Good morning All, Can you believe it is mid-November and Winter–according to the weather–has officially arrived in the Northwoods. As a person …


Santana’s Pups Update June 24th, 2014

Santana’s pups are coming along very nicely; they are growing in to quite a good-looking bunch and are now becoming bold and inquisitive and quickly outgrowing the puppy room. I’m not sure I can keep them in there for much longer.


Update on the Birds

The birdy boys are a blast–full of exuberance and curiosity and ready for anything. They would spend every minute outside exploring if …

Gary, Chukar, and Spruce

And Then There Were Four

The “Birds” are now 8-weeks old. Can you believe it? Does time fly for you as it seems for me lately? Dove, …