Maddie x Doc Puppies Turn Six Weeks Old
My mission is to help you have a healthier dog and breeders to raise healthier Llewellin Setters puppies through educational content based on over twenty years raising, training, and breeding Llewellin Setters. To help support these efforts, this page may contain affiliate links. I may earn a small commission for qualifying purchases at no cost to you.
Hi all,
Chomping at the bit for more puppy pictures, eh? Well, here are a few and there are more in the LML Flickr Gallery. I hope to get the litter page updated over the next few days as well. Wow, I am slacking!
It’s been difficult to get photos–and I don’t mean to blame everything on the weather, I’m not like that, seriously, but–we’re in the way below zero temps again and just as the pups are ready and want to venture out, it’s just too dangerous. They actually have stepped outside the door, while I try carry things in or out, but they run right back in. They really want to go out and will stand at the doorway with noses in the air taking in the sweet smells of the crisp outdoors.
Until they can go outside to play and explore and their attention not completely on attacking me so I can get better photos, I have a very limited time of good light and a clean kitchen and pups not in my lap in which to try to get pictures. I have taken some video, but my attempts to upload them have failed. I tried for two nights in a row to upload them, in the meantime while they are trying to upload, I can’t work and the puppy cam can’t stream either. The Internet service here is awful and I become more and more frustrated with the situation every day–especially at puppy-picking time! Which, will begin later this week or weekend.
They have grown bored of the kitchen and are starting to get restless. They can’t wait to attack me with all that sweet puppy enthusiasm as soon as I walk in. This is the stage that I refer to the kitchen the Alligator Pit. 😉 Sharp little needle teeth and nails, that I constantly trim, come at me from 8 little cutie pies–attacking my legs and feet. I dare not go in without pants, socks, and slippers. They can’t help it, though, they love attention and our play times and can’t wait for something new to walk into their lair.
This gang is a very bright bunch and they really, really want to go outside to do their business… And they have barely stepped outside. So, how do they know that? Where did that come from? I never ended up paper training them because, frankly, I ran out of newspapers and can’t find a source here. Point is that I’ve never been able to even attempt to teach them to go outside, but they go crazy crying if they can’t get out of the kitchen and into one of the entrance areas with an outside door. They have even woken me up several times crying frantically because I had closed the gates and they couldn’t get to those rooms and close to the outside door. Their sense of denning and not wanting to go in the same room in which they eat and sleep is very strong. They know which side of a door will open and wait, or scratch and cry at that side. I carried in a new bag of puppy food and they went crazy trying to get at the unopened bag I had sat on a chair. Again, it was an unopened bag. Very bright with great noses, I’d venture to say.

More news coming soon-stay tuned!
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