Hello Spring!

The Calendar Says Spring is Here

It might be spring according to the calendar, but it is still quite like winter here, which is perfectly fine with me. Spring usually means rain, mud—meaning muddy dogs—bugs, and a lot—okay, make that a ton—more work that I am relieved I don’t have to tackle quite yet. But, a …



It’s been several days of lots of transitions. Puppies leaving, a pup staying longer, other puppies moving to new digs. Things are always eventful around here! Where do I start? Quin Flies off to Boston First, we went from 4 pups to 2 Sunday. And then, yesterday, Quin puppy flew …

Quin and Orion Update

  After a very blustery Tuesday, where the pups could barely step outside—they really wanted to go out and play and tried to go out, but it was soooo windy it took their breath away—Quin and Orion got to go out a lot today. A perfect 15°F made it a …


Photo of the Day

Day 2 of the pups having their “mash.” They love it! This is the male pup, Borie (Boreas). See more photos over …


Santana x Count Puppies: The Birth

Nick took photos during the birth of the litter. Thought I would share them. Don’t worry—nothing gross or anything… except for me …