Upland Redemption 2024: Northwoods Trip and A Very Special Announcement

There hasn’t been much to report about life where I’ll work and stay for the next 3 months, so I haven’t reported anything. There is a lot I’d like to say, but I decided to wait about a month and settle in a bit longer before making statements. My initial …


Are You Ready?

I am. Well, I’m ready, but I’m not prepared. Ha. You know what I mean. I can’t wait, but I’m not ready physically or with everything I need. I don’t have the dogs ready either. I am completely blaming the heat and work. The past few days in PA we …

Have fun with your Llewellin Setter on vacation

Budget Summer Vacation Ideas with Llewellin Setters: Unleash Adventure on a Shoestring

Summer is almost here but it’s not too late to plan a memorable vacation that won’t break the bank. If you’re like me, you don’t want to leave your beloved Llewellin Setters behind or you can’t. Fear not, for I have compiled a list of budget-friendly summer vacation ideas that will allow you to embark on exciting adventures with your four-legged, bird-hunting companions. So, pack a bag, grab your travel gear, and get ready to make unforgettable memories with your Llewellin Setters.


Update and a New Video “Play Time”

Everyone is asking about the gals with litters due later this month so I thought I better post an update. Gale, Kea, and Nashua all look preggers. Kea obviously so because she is the smallest. Nashua is really thickening and Gale is as well, so all looks good. It will …


Double Trouble

  Countess Emily and Tattoo trying to woo me with their sweet, sweet faces. Let me out of here! It worked. 😉

Ice Cleats

Walking on Ice

January 4th, 2012 It is quite a bit warmer today. The sun is poking through the clouds and it is a wonderful …