Early Summer 2015 Update
My mission is to help you have a healthier dog and breeders to raise healthier Llewellin Setters puppies through educational content based on over twenty years raising, training, and breeding Llewellin Setters. To help support these efforts, this page may contain affiliate links. I may earn a small commission for qualifying purchases at no cost to you.
Hello all,
Hope this finds you well and enjoying the start of summer.
I know I have not updated you in a very long time and I’ve really missed sharing news with you. Wonderful family events and a lot of projects both here and back home in PA have kept me away, busy, and flat-out emotionally and physically exhausted. We became grandparents June 1st and I was so blessed to be there with my daughter and her husband and our new, precious grandson. I had a very hard time leaving PA this time. I am having a hard time these days missing my parents, children, and now, a grandchild. There is also so much work to do everywhere I go that my head feels like it will explode at just the thought of it.
Between all of that, I’ve started working dogs every spare minute I can. In Michigan, we can start working dogs on wild birds after July 14th, so I’m just concentrating on basics and just getting in shape (mostly getting myself in shape). 🙂 With just a little over two months until Ruffed Grouse season starts here in the UP, I have a lot of work to do–on myself, the farm, the house, still trying to find a way to finishing moving, setting up puppy whelping areas, still cleaning up from winter, etc.
I’ll start sharing more news as I am able and when I take the camera along, will share photos. I also will be making available many started and introduced dogs for sale and am hoping to offer a wild bird camp once again during the month before the season opener. We’ll see. I’ll have puppies to care for at the same time, so I am just not sure that I can do it all and do it very well. I’d love to offer it again though so I am going to give it my all!
So, stay tuned for updates on training and getting your Llewellin Setter ready for a successful upland hunting season.
For now, here are a few photos from this week:

The days are long and hard and most of the time we cook our dinner outside over the wood fire when the sun is setting and we are finishing kennel and farm chores. This was taken at 10:11 PM (EST)!

That is all for today, folks. Please have a safe and happy holiday and don’t forget to be wise about keeping your Llewellin Setter safe from firecrackers. Keep them inside if you can. Keep a television or radio on, even a fan or something to dull the noise. Most bird dogs do not need any special consideration, but I’ve heard nightmare stories of dogs running away and/or becoming gun-shy over the 4th of July festivities. Just use your head and expect that many other humans will not use theirs!
God bless and Hug your Llewellin Setter tonight!
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