It Doesn’t Get Much Better…
My mission is to help you have a healthier dog and breeders to raise healthier Llewellin Setters puppies through educational content based on over twenty years raising, training, and breeding Llewellin Setters. To help support these efforts, this page may contain affiliate links. I may earn a small commission for qualifying purchases at no cost to you.
Photos tell the story better than I can, tonight. So, I will let them speak for themselves… with just a few comments from me.
I won’t talk much… but oh my, do I love this dog.

We played in the foothills of the Laurel Mountains. There is a cool, clear, fresh mountain stream down here. And, I can keep the dogs out of the areas where the birds are (so we do not disturb any young grouse).

Steele ran like a well-tuned, well-oiled machine. I could have ten just like him and never be bored or less amazed by the stamina, style, personality—all of it, every ounce of it—did I mention I love this dog?
Nashua did rather well this evening… until she got a stone bruise that slowed her down.
Pup continues to do very well. Very bold, eager, and bright.

You should see this shot covering my 22″ dual-monitor desktop. Wow. I made it into a wallpaper, if you want it for your desktop, too. See the Wallpaper link at the top of the page… Have I mentioned that I love this dog?

Steele goes back in the box 2.5 hours later exactly as he came out–raring to go. And he does it with class all the way. He is methodical, composed, high-strutting, alert, and obedient every minute.

Nash “hunted” well with Steele. She likes him. All the girls like him. 🙂

They all did a great job. Pup is learning much and is responding to all the whistle commands right a long with the older dogs. She is learning how to navigate the toughest terrain and water, scent, etc. Sometimes an evening run like this tires her out a bit and sometimes it just revs her up for more!

Did I mention I love this dog?

Steele pauses to suck-in the scents at the top of a cut.

Most of the water photos did not turn out very well, but let me tell you the very cool mountain stream was a hit by all tonight. I am so lucky to have such great places to run and work our Llewellins… but, I can’t wait to get to the great, north woods.
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