In Memory of Ronald M. Lazur Sr.
My mission is to help you have a healthier dog and breeders to raise healthier Llewellin Setters puppies through educational content based on over twenty years raising, training, and breeding Llewellin Setters. To help support these efforts, this page may contain affiliate links. I may earn a small commission for qualifying purchases at no cost to you.

We sadly have lost Scott’s father, Ronald M. Lazur Sr., this week.
Ron, 68 years young, passed away Tuesday, March 6, 2012 at his home sitting on the sofa with his dog, Buddy.

Northwoods Wild Bird Camp will never be the same. Ron loved small game hunting and he loved the dogs. Not always able to navigate the brush, Ron would often walk the trails and roads while the rest of the gang hit the deep cover. He usually did quite well, too taking his fair share of game. He would talk to everyone that came down the road and always had great stories about the people he had met that day, where they were from, how they were doing hunting, the dogs they had, etc. He seemed to end up knowing everyone.

Ron loved playing with the puppies and would always ask me when I was going to get them out for a run. He’d have a grand time laughing and playing with them even though he’d walk away with most of the skin on his arms needing band-aids from the puppy scratches!

Ron liked to help me work the young dogs and would walk a trail or forestry road as I worked the dogs in the edges and in those 75-yard sweet spots along the roads. He’d alert me to any vehicles coming, or keep me in line with a trail, or help locate a dog on point and take the shot. We had many great times working young dogs together this way.

Ron loved the outdoors, loved the dogs, and hunting. He couldn’t get enough and would walk those roads and trails all day long. He loved NWBC and I think he loved the great food and in particular Dave Witner’s perch and walleye more than anything!
I got to enjoy lots of hunting adventures with Ron over the years. I remember one particular elk hunting trip in Colorado when I was on an ATV following Ron and my son on another ATV, and watched as the quad rolled over on top of them on a particularly steep switch-back! They were okay… and we continued on through the night after just walking all day and packing an elk out. And then he drove an ATV up a steep mountain side that I was scared to death to drive myself and as he reached the top of the mountain, the ATV flipped backwards, Ron pushing himself off, as the ATV (Scott’s brand new one) rolled and smashed down the canyon walls and ended up in the river below… but Ron was okay because he was smart and knew to push off of the quad, where I would have held on and went down with it. It was one of the scariest days of my life! Ron took it all in stride and got right back on the other ATV to tackle the remaining 8 miles of mountainous trail to get back to camp, where Scott was recovering from pneumonia no less, to tell him what had happened to his new quad! No way, thanks, I’ll walk, I said. And did… most of the way, until he came back and made me get back on with him.

It was always fun to have Ron along on all of the hunting adventures, as he and I shared the love of great coffee and lots of it and we would team up on Scott and make him stop at a convenience store so we could fill up giant mugs and thermoses. Scott has this thing where he barely speaks a word on long road trips. It can be maddening on a 30-hour cross-country road trip! I loved when Ron was along and we would chat the trip away. We also always seemed to be able to time our coffee fill-ups and coffee emptying needs at the same time and make Scott stop for us…
One thing I never got to ask him is why he always called me “Tootse.”
It is a sad week for us at LML. I will end with the thought that Ron will leave his footprints on all of the forestry roads and trails of the Upper Peninsula while our beloved Jenna works the cover and finds, points, and retrieves ruffed grouse and woodcock for him…

Rest in peace and rejoice with the angels, Ron. You were a friend to all, always looked past everyone’s faults and only at the good in people, and we like to think you are hunting everyday without physical limits and in always perfect weather rather it be the Golden Highway of Maine, the trails of the UP, or the mountains of Colorado with our beloved Jenna guiding your way to plentiful upland birds and keeping you warm and loved every night for eternity…
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