The Latest Photos of the “Trout Streams”
My mission is to help you have a healthier dog and breeders to raise healthier Llewellin Setters puppies through educational content based on over twenty years raising, training, and breeding Llewellin Setters. To help support these efforts, this page may contain affiliate links. I may earn a small commission for qualifying purchases at no cost to you.

I’ve added some new photos of the puppies. They are growing like mad and can pretty much do anything now—including destroy the livingroom/bastement/office in a matter of minutes! 🙂 They love doing their business on the newspaper and then having a ball wrestling over it and tearing it to shreds by the time I go upstairs and get a cup of coffee. You can’t even imagine what they do when I go up to make dinner or something! But, oh my gosh, they are so much fun and are they love to explore, now. I’ve never had puppies escape the little fenced-in area outside the basement door, but these little bird dog puppies are!

I believe it is now time to give them a quail to play with! 🙂 I love doing that. I will put the live quail in a cage and see what the pups do. So much fun. Don’t worry, I’ll get photos and report before Thursday when the picking will begin.

Kenai, Snake, and Stoney made it all the way to the bottom of the yard today. They were having a high time! Gunni, Copper, Madison, and Rock either stayed up top or went back up.You have to understand that getting to the bottom of our yard is not the easiest undertaking for a 5.5-week old puppy! It is quite a steep hill for a pup. And the first few times pups end up rolling a bit trying it! This can be a little discouraging and most go back up the hill the first several times.

We had a bunch of quail escape last week and Dora winded one in the woods at the bottom of the yard. She worked and worked that fence line and the pups tried their best to follow her and figure out what she was so wound up about! Too funny.

Well, enjoy all the photos–click on the thumbnail image at the top of the left-hand column and it will take you to all the pictures. I will get more tomorrow.
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