LML Puppy Adventures: October 10th, 2019
My mission is to help you have a healthier dog and breeders to raise healthier Llewellin Setters puppies through educational content based on over twenty years raising, training, and breeding Llewellin Setters. To help support these efforts, this page may contain affiliate links. I may earn a small commission for qualifying purchases at no cost to you.

Friends, the puppies are non-stop and they wear me out much faster than I can wear them out! Wow is all I can say. So, since their “day kennel” outside is still sopping wet–I know, I know, I need a new location and a big deck in that kennel. But that just can’t happen right now.–I get them outside as soon as I wake up in the morning. It’s still dark, but they get out to potty and find something to play with for a bit while I clean their pen and get their breakfast ready. I fed them breakfast outside this morning in hopes they would finish their business outside before coming back in to their pen. But they want to be with me, which is fantastic. I don’t really want them outside without me, but I can’t clean the pen with them in it. So, I am really fast. I finally grab a cup of coffee and their breakfast and head out with them.

They are into everything. Everything they can figure out how to get a hold of is fair game. They are definitely in the chew everything stage.

Their very first toy with stuffing was their favorite! But, it didn’t last more than a few hours. They completely destuffed it overnight.

They love plastic water bottles, shoes, boots, slippers…

Our favorite thing to do now is the woods trail. At least it is my favorite thing to do with the pups. I feel like me again–in the woods with my dogs. And even though I know there are no upland birds here, I know the pups are learning so much. They are learning scenting conditions, they are learning how to navigate logs and rocks and everything in the woods is good for them to learn about. And while I long for my beloved U.P., this will have to do. I appreciate there is a little bit of wooded property I am allowed to take the pups into. I am very grateful for every. little. thing. I am grateful for these extraordinary puppies. For a place to lay my head. For a place to sit and rest my bones. For food. For water. For the sunshine and the rain. For times of plenty and times without to appreciate everything more.

Oh my, this boy is something else. And he is stunning!

Be sure to see more photos on the Flickr area.
Hope you are enjoying the photos as much as I am enjoying getting to take them, again. Something seems a little more right in the world when I get to partake in the beauty of a piece of woods with Llewellin Setter puppies and a camera or two. It takes me back to the joy and blessings I once had daily in the UP. But I am learning contentment here, in a new, strange place I would have never in a million years chosen. But who am I to know the mind of God or his plans? Look for the beauty in everyday and look for all the blessings laid upon our feet. Be grateful for everything. Even the trials. Even the times when nothing looks good from our view. There is a lesson and a blessing in every thing. And it’ll be okay, no matter what.
So, I leave you with two of my favorite C.S. Lewis quotes.
“When we lose one blessing, another is often most unexpectedly given in its place.”
“Affliction is often that thing which prepares an ordinary person for some sort of an extraordinary destiny.”
–C.S. Lewis

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