Kolar-Bear Goes to His New Family

My mission is to help you have a healthier dog and breeders to raise healthier Llewellin Setters puppies through educational content based on over twenty years raising, training, and breeding Llewellin Setters. To help support these efforts, this page may contain affiliate links. I may earn a small commission for qualifying purchases at no cost to you.


After meeting with Sioux’s new family, we set out in another direction to meet Kolar’s new family!

As difficult as it was to see any of the pups leave, I don’t think it has been any secret that I’ve had some sort of special relationship with my “Kolar-Bear”. I can’t explain it and I don’t set out to intentionally have any favorites. Sometimes there is just a special connection that just happens. I really, honestly go out of my way to try not to let it happen. My daughter and I were talking about this today and I think she summed it up perfectly–she said, “they pick you”. We don’t pick them.  I believe it is perfectly true! For as much as I tried to not favor anyone and not become attached, this fellow just always seemed to be quietly and patiently sitting there waiting for me.

He followed me upstairs, downstairs, outside…. he would lay on my feet in the kitchen while I did the dishes and cooked. He would sit outside the bathroom door until I came out. He was very difficult to even consider ignoring–or not becoming completely enthralled with. He would turn it on when he got outdoors and, like all the other pups, is very smart and incredibly stylish, great nose, enthusiasm, boldness (all the things I really like to see)–they have all the right stuff.

As much as we really hoped our situation would change by now and we would be able to retain at least one and possibly two pups from this and Addie’s breeding, we just are not able to right now. It’s not fair to our current dogs and it isn’t fair to the pups. As much as we desire with all of our hearts to be able to have the dog training work our full-time “jobs”, it just isn’t that way right now and we cannot possibly give every dog the attention, affection, care, and hunting/training time they deserve.

So, with a heavy heart, we traveled to meet his new admirers. I kept thinking, what will this pup think? Will he think I deserted him?  Will he take to these new people? The other pups had taken to their new owners just perfectly, but would this guy as much as he is attached to me?…. Well, I couldn’t have been happier with his response to them! He immediately took to his “new mom” and eagerly licked her face and was wagging his happy tail! He greeted his new dad the same, and then met his new big brother! He was especially happy about this, following him around, running, jumping, wagging that tail–he was a happy, happy boy!!! I couldn’t have picked a more perfect fit for this pup.

And, this is the way it (almost) always works out for all of these pups. We are so blessed to have such perfect families for each of them. It is a wonderful feeling to know the pups are happy dogs being cared for, loved, and given opportunities to hunt and their new families equally happy and fulfilled.

So, tonight, after an emotional several days, I can say with a fairly high level of certainty Covey, Ruger, Stoeger, Sioux, and Kolar-Bear are happy dogs tonight and are with excellent families that will love them and be able to give them wonderful hunting opportunities to become all that they can be.

It doesn’t get any better than that, folks..