Puppy Picking Underway

My mission is to help you have a healthier dog and breeders to raise healthier Llewellin Setters puppies through educational content based on over twenty years raising, training, and breeding Llewellin Setters. To help support these efforts, this page may contain affiliate links. I may earn a small commission for qualifying purchases at no cost to you.

The long-awaited  picking of the pups has started!

Sierra was the first female picked. She will be renamed, Aspen, and go to live in Montana. She will have a wonderful life and excellent opportunities for wild bird contacts on a daily basis. I do believe she is up to the challenge.

UPDATE: Milan was the second female picked and will be going to a wonderful home in Michigan with ample wild bird opportunities. 🙂 Hooray! Her new owners think they will be keeping her name and call her Millie. Excellent.
UPDATE: Ava has been picked and will be going to live in North Carolina and have many days afield. Congratulations! Her new name is Lucy.
The first male to be picked is Dakota. A clone of Brier, this boy will have ample opportunity for hunting. His new home will be in eastern Pennsylvania. His new name is Tripp.
UPDATE: Tahoe was the second male to be picked. He will be staying local–we will get to see him  grow up! He will be keeping his name.

UPDATE: Saturday, January 10th: Titan has been picked and will be going to live in Ontario, Canada were he will have fantastic opportunities to hunt. Hooray!

UPDATE: Sunday, January 11th: Nitro has been claimed! He will be going to live and hunt in the northern Wisconsin woods. His new owners think they will keep the name.

UPDATE: Monday, January 12th: Sweet, lovely Liberty will be going to live in New Jersey and get to hunt in New York. Congratulations.

I will post news on the others as the decisions come in. The darling Sable, remains.

The puppies have had the opportunity to venture outdoors a little yesterday and today. Lousy weather with ice and rain, yesterday. Today was rainy and very windy and now, finally, a little snow is falling. Dakota, Titan, Tahoe, Nitro, Sierra and Milan ventured out and would run back inside when the wind would blow snow down on them. It was so cute. They would go out and up a few steps very cautiously checking things out. Sierra found her way out to do her business! Yahoo! Dakota spent the most time out and was not at all bothered by the weather. He was sitting there looking around taking in the new sites and smells–and shivering! I had to pick him up and bring him back in. Just like his sire, we couldn’t keep Brier inside! He would cry and cry at the door to go out, no matter the weather. We would let him out, he would hunt the yard and find a spot to settle in comfortably and very content. He was always restless in the house. We finally had to build the boy a kennel. Even when it is bitter cold and we try to bring him in, he wants no parts of it! He’ll come in and give us all the lovin’ we need, and then want back out.

The pups had their first set of shots today and were all checked out by our wonderful vet–he comes to our house! He takes a lot of time with each pup and is never rushing things.  We are so blessed and grateful to have him!.