The 2014 Ruffed Grouse Opener in Three Weeks, Two Days – Are You Ready?
Three weeks and two days until the Ruffed Grouse Opener in the Northwoods. Are you ready? Luka and Gale are 🙂 They always are. Bring it on!
Read more...Three weeks and two days until the Ruffed Grouse Opener in the Northwoods. Are you ready? Luka and Gale are 🙂 They always are. Bring it on!
Read more...Aptly themed, “The Gunslingers,” Lady Bird & Steele puppies are coming along great. They turned 3-weeks old today and will have their first taste of puppy mash. They are heart-breakers to say the least, with good looks and all that 3-week-old puppy charm. Be careful, you’ll fall in love, just …
Read more...Santana’s pups are coming along very nicely; they are growing in to quite a good-looking bunch and are now becoming bold and inquisitive and quickly outgrowing the puppy room. I’m not sure I can keep them in there for much longer.
Read more...Ree and Levi’s Bonnie and Clyde are coming along great. They are rolly-polly fat puppies! I am dying to move them to a whelping room to get the puppy cam rolling, but just can’t move them until another pup that is staying a bit longer due to his owner’s surgery …
Read more...Maddie is about two one weeks (I thought I published this a week ago and just discovered it sitting in the que–unpublished!?) from her due date and coming along well. She’s not huge, but I can see the puppies moving around. Christmas at LML should prove to be eventful with Maddie’s …
Read more...In case you are not a Flickr user or haven’t checked out the link in the left-hand sidebar to see the photo entries so far, I thought I would share the Group 1 photos for the LML Calendar Photo Contest with you. Hope these inspire you to get out there …
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