A Busy Weekend at LML

My mission is to help you have a healthier dog and breeders to raise healthier Llewellin Setters puppies through educational content based on over twenty years raising, training, and breeding Llewellin Setters. To help support these efforts, this page may contain affiliate links. I may earn a small commission for qualifying purchases at no cost to you.

It has been quite a busy few days at Laurel Mt. Llewellins.

I can happily report that Lincoln made it to Missouri via an airplane ride to his new family, the Messicks. He was a happy camper to meet his new family! Mike called to tell us they just got him and I could hear the kids in the background having a grand time with their new puppy. He also was nice enough to call me Saturday morning to say that Linc had a good first night.

kits-new-family.jpgKittery (now, maybe, Macy), made it safely to Denver, also. Her new family, the Sessions from Boulder, Co. also have been in touch since she arrived Friday morning. All seems to be going very well–except for that dang biting that puppies like to do so much of with those little needle teeth! It does end. That reminds me of a nice article Keith Smith of Lynnhill Llewellins wrote about how to handle situations such as this. I refer you to that article, here.

The photo on the right is Macy with some of her new family. 🙂

So, then, Friday evening, a very happy Mr. Robert Boyer, of Claymont, Delaware (pictured at right) arrived with a friend to pick up his new wes-new-dad.jpgbuddy, Weston. They got to spend a few hours with the puppies and the big dogs. Weston will now be named, “Joker” and will have a great life with Robert who says he’ll be taking this pup everywhere he goes! Joker gets to spend every minute with Robert and will have a ball getting to grow up at the 700-acre hunting camp they have, only a few hours from us, near Punxsutawney, PA!

Saturday, the new (old) camera arrived! Between lots of work to catch up on, Scott and I got to play around a bit with the camera and get some great shots of all the dogs. The pups had a full day of romping and playing outside. Finally, we have a bit of dry weather and the pups are very much enjoying being outdoors. As soon as the door opens, they run, run, run to get outside.

Ashland had her very first real point on a bird! Not kidding, one bit. She was off on the other side of the yard and I just so happened to be watching her through the camera, when suddenly she stopped dead, pointed–and a Robin flushed (ha ha , flushed)! She, then, was all “birdy, ” watching the Robin fly away and then going to the spot from where it flew and smelling all around. It was very cool! The photos of it are included, below, although they are not the best shots because it was so far away, you can see the Robin in one of the shots.

I think the pictures are sooo much better–and hope you do, also! We were able to send some beautiful shots of Brook and Ash to their new, awaiting family in Maine and some of Liberty to her awaiting family in New Jersey.

casco-new-family.jpgToday, the very excited Greg, Susan, and Robert Jones of Drums, PA arrived to pick up Casco, now named Shadow. Four-year-old Robert says he named him that because he thinks he will grow up to look much like Count and Luke–a shadow! A very bright little boy and his parents had a nice time playing with the puppies and getting to meet all the other dogs. Shadow is a very lucky Llewellin Setter puppy and will grow up with a wonderful family and have lots of hunting opportunities.

Well, folks, that’s it for today. Going to go work our dogs and play with puppies. Blessings to all and may I mention that you remember to honor this weekend those who have given the ultimate sacrifice for our nation. Have a safe Memorial Day surrounded with those you love and in remembrance of those we have lost.

Enjoy the new photos–and don’t forget to click to see the large version:
