The Latest From LML May 14th, 2011
My mission is to help you have a healthier dog and breeders to raise healthier Llewellin Setters puppies through educational content based on over twenty years raising, training, and breeding Llewellin Setters. To help support these efforts, this page may contain affiliate links. I may earn a small commission for qualifying purchases at no cost to you.
Hello All,
So much has happened since the last post. I have started posts several times but never got to complete them! A brief recap though is that the Winds have been picked and will begin going to their new homes next weekend (except those being retained by us). The pups that are flying will leave the following Friday. The pups have enjoyed transitioning to the upstairs where they spent their nights and the puppy kennel where they spend most of the day if the weather is good. It’s been very damp and rainy for a few days, so I haven’t been putting them in the kennel. Even though the kennel is under roof, I have just felt it too damp out for them. They love exploring the big yard and every one of them has blossomed into bold, inquisitive, ornery, and beautiful, stylish bird dog pups. I can’t believe how quickly they have mastered the deck stairs and most practically run up and down them now. They are so much fun and such darlings and are showing so much promise. They are watching birds and chasing butterflies. There is one male or possibly two available if I can bring myself to part with them, that is!
Santana is recovering well and looking quite good. She should be back to her pre-puppy condition in no time at all. She gets out in the yard with them but doesn’t stay still for long–keeping them on the run as they are little alligators!!

Maddie’s litter arrived during the wee hours of the morning today. I must say I was completely surprised with eight puppies! Maddie barely looked pregnant. The first was born at 12:06 am and the eighth at 3:45 am–two bitches and six dogs. Maddie did a fantastic job and there were no complications. The smallest pup is a male and I have been a bit concerned about him today and assisted a bit giving him a supplement to help him along. He seems to be doing much better this evening and is nursing more and looking much better. Hopefully he will come along and be just fine. It will be another long night as i plan to monitor him constantly. I believe he became chilled. I had the puppy warming pad in place and under the whelping mat, but when I changed everything to wash it after Maddie was finished having the pups, in my desperate state of exhaustion, I forgot to turn the mat (basically like a heating pad) back on! The warmer in the stuffed puppy was there, but the pup was not near it or Maddie or under the warming lamp. Anyway, I have been sure to keep him warm all day and I think he is doing 100% better! But, the worry never really leaves–even long after they have left us! We just can’t help but feel forever responsible for the pups we bring into the world.
It is time to consider litter themes (past that time, really)! I have some great suggestions and will present them to you all tomorrow. Let me know if you have something you would like to suggest. There are plenty of litters this summer and I will need lots of suggestions.
Midge is due next weekend already, and thus, the crazy summer of LML puppies is well underway! Seems to be the year of everyone wanting females (last year was males). So, it looks like we will have at least a few male pups available.
I really do apologize for the lack of communication. I’ve had a shoulder injury (that now seems to have spread to both shoulders and affects my arms) reoccur and I can barely sit at my desk and type lately without being in tremendous pain! Insane! What on earth? Well, I finally went to a doctor (because Scott made me the appointment) and am now going to physical therapy to try to fix the problem. This is also the reason I haven’t been able to work the dogs lately. i didn’t want to talk about it, but I better explain why their have barely been any posts at all, let alone the usual posts of spring training and photos!
We’ve had a sad week as we lost Scott’s wonderful Grand-pap. He was fine Easter Sunday, ended up going to the hospital a few days later, and quickly deteriorated and past from this life on Tuesday. Yesterday was the funeral and last night, Scott’s Grandmother had to be taken to the hospital! We won’t know anything until tests can be done Monday. Praying she will be okay, although we know her heart is breaking over losing her husband of sixty-some (I think it is 67 years). 🙁 Soooo sad!
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