January 9th-10th, 2013
My mission is to help you have a healthier dog and breeders to raise healthier Llewellin Setters puppies through educational content based on over twenty years raising, training, and breeding Llewellin Setters. To help support these efforts, this page may contain affiliate links. I may earn a small commission for qualifying purchases at no cost to you.
I am obsessed, in a panicky sort-of-way, with wanting to get out to hunt. Michigan’s Grouse season has closed, so I want to explore Wisconsin. Even more, though I want to get away for some late-season quail hunting or even take a road trip and hit several states. Maybe end up in the deep South like Georgia and Florida, then head west to Texas. Yes, I’ll bet everyone would like to do that, but very few actually can. It’s a good thing I don’t have that big trailer, yet, though because the way I am feeling, I would probably just do it and later regret it when I lost my job, Web site clients, and house! I just have to settle down and think clearly. I can’t do such an irresponsible thing as that. But darn, I really, really want to. What is wrong with me? It must be a mid-something crisis… like mid-winter crisis? Or simply the realization that I can’t hunt here again for over 8 months—NO! The realization that what lies between now and opening day is miserable hot summer and flies and bugs and that means hibernation time for me, because I just cannot stand hot—so I hide inside, and now is the time I love to be out exploring and hunting… but, it gets dark at some ridiculous hour like 4:30! Don’t you think it should be opposite? More daylight in winter and less in summer when it’s so miserably hot that you can’t stand to be outside anyway? I think it should. But, I’m weird, I know, I know. Point is there are not enough daylight hours to work a day job and go hunting.
Now that that is off my chest, let’s move on to things that matter most to you.
I snapped a few photos today. Sorry that I didn’t get some of all the pups.

Puppy picking is underway for the Aviators and I can share with you that Dooey and Hawk have been chosen!
I’ve moved the pups back into the puppy room. They still have access to the kitchen, but I want them to spend most of their time in the puppy room. I think it will make crate training easier, among other things. They didn’t have a problem with the move for the most part. They like their puppy bed so much they will stay wherever it is!
Troubles with electronics are plaguing me and I can’t seem to keep the Puppy cam going. Until I give in and get a new laptop, I am resorting to using the iPod. It had worked out well a few months ago, but doesn’t seem to be now. I concocted a crazy bracket to secure it, sort-of, to a door in the puppy room. I can’t angle it very well from there, so I had to try to place it low enough for you to see the puppies and high enough that they won’t eat it or the cord. Which they have tried like the dickens to do since putting it up this evening. They don’t have to jump much higher to reach it. I have to figure out a better set-up and fast! They just might grow enough overnight to reach it by morning.
Good night, all.
Hug your Llew tonight, because you CAN.
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