Puppy Calendar

Laurel Mt Llewellin Setter Puppy Calendar
The 15-month Llewellin Setter Puppy Calendar!


The 2016 Laurel Mt Llewellin Setter Puppy Calendar

The calendar features 15 beautiful Llewellin Setter puppy photos and is a15-month (January 2016 – March 2017), 13.5″ x 19″, coil bound calendar. This huge, handsome calendar will light up every Llewellin Setter puppy lover’s home and makes a fantastic gift for any Llewellin Setter lover.

$31.99 + shipping.

It is available to order here.

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Cover page of the 2016 LML Puppy Calendar

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Cover page of the 2016 LML Puppy Calendar

Note: This is a print-on-demand service. The company prints them as they are ordered. I do not have them in my possession–all ordering and shipping is handled by the printer, Lulu.com. 

By popular demand, we have a downloadable pdf, print-your-own version for $9.99 available for purchase here.